Author: plumbclubassociation

The Plumb Club is an association with an exclusive group of wholesale jewelry distributors. With suppliers spanning the jewelry, diamond, and watch industries. The Plumb Club is a unique collective... Read More

Our Jewelry Association has access to the finest Diamond Manufacturers in the US and worldwide. Connect with our Members & Explore their collections. The members of The Plumb Club account... Read More

Our Jewelry Association has access to the top Jewelry Manufacturers in the US. Connect with our Members & Explore their products and collections. Established in 1983 by a small group... Read More

Explore the finest Diamond, Watch & Wholesale Jewelry Suppliers & Vendors in the US. Connect with our Members & Replicate In-Person Meetings Virtually. All Plumb Club members adhere to very... Read More

We are the Jewelry Industry's Leading Jewelry Association. Explore the finest Jewelry, Diamond Manufacturers & Connect with our Members. ow Retailers Can Add Business Value Through Adopting a Sustainability Strategy,... Read More