After accusations of sexual abuse, manipulation, and violence against local activist Herve Comeau, Syracuse’s Common Council on Monday introduced a request to remove him from the Citizen Review Board.

On June 10, a petition from Black Lives Matter Syracuse went viral online, claiming that four women had come forward with Comeau-related tales. Since the petition’s release, 419 people have signed it. The council did not explain its decision to fire Comeau. According to the agenda, his removal was requested in accordance with Section 5, (1) e of Local Law 11–1993, which says that the CRB may ask the Common Council to remove a board member when necessary by a simple majority vote.

A BLM Syracuse Medium blog post from July 19 has testimonies from those who claim Comeau abused them. Comeau is a graduate of Syracuse University, a former BLM Syracuse activist, and the Volunteer Lawyers Project of Onondaga County’s immigration pro bono coordinator. Comeau has voiced opposition to, among other things, police brutality, the Muslim ban, and Columbus Day.

Survivors Tell Their Stories

Five victims of the emotional, psychological, and sexual abuse perpetrated by Herve Yves Comeau have made the decision to share their experiences through connections with one another and a dedication to collective organizing.

In order to aid in their own rehabilitation and foster a sense of community among those who have also been hurt by Herve Yves Comeau, survivors share their tales. The severe trauma, psychological suffering, and physical pain that Herve inflicted on the survivors were ignored for much too long, and they felt isolated from society. They each made an effort to mend the harm and toll that his abuse had inflicted on their personal and professional life. One step on the road to communal healing and reclaiming their lives is sharing their tales. The organizers and survivors invite readers and organizations to join this movement for accountability and transformational justice by