Stop Phishing Attacks Cold with a Recovery Number

Ever gotten an email that looks like it's from your bank, warning about suspicious activity on your account? Or maybe you saw a social media post urging you to click a link to claim a free prize? These are phishing attempts, a sneaky tactic where criminals try to trick you into giving up your personal information.
But here's some good news: adding a recovery number to your Google account can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to these scams.
How Recovery Numbers Thwart Phishing
Think of a recovery number as a security buddy for your Google account. It's usually your phone number, but it can also be an email address of someone you trust. When you enable two-factor authentication (2FA) with a recovery number, logging into your account requires both your password and a code sent to your chosen method. This extra step makes it much harder for phishers to gain access, even if they steal your password.
Here's a breakdown of how effective recovery numbers are against different types of phishing attacks:
• Automated attacks: These are like mindless robots, spraying out phishing emails to a wide range of addresses. Recovery numbers completely block them, offering 100% protection.
• Bulk phishing attacks: These target a larger group of people, often using generic tactics. Recovery numbers are highly effective here too, preventing 99% of these attempts.
• Targeted attacks: These are more sophisticated, crafted to appear legitimate and appeal to a specific victim. Recovery numbers offer a good layer of defense here, blocking up to 66% of targeted attacks.
Why Phishing is a Problem
Phishing attacks are a major concern because they can lead to serious consequences. If a phisher gains access to your Google account, they could steal your email, contacts, documents, and even financial information. They might also use your account to send spam or launch further attacks on your contacts.